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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog (strictly from v0.1.1 and onwards - before v0.1.1, format was a bit freestyle), and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.1.1] - 2023-07-22


  • wrap preprocessing INFO statement, printed to the stdout, under verbose functionality - as expected. This particular statement got printed even when verbose=False was passed to the validate function.

    INFO: Working only with available numerical features, 
    categorical features are not yet supported.

[0.1.0] - 2023-07-22

The first non pre-release of the package. 🎉

v0.1.0 is still considered a beta release, as the API has not been tested extensively across many and diverse datasets. I have tested it with 3 different Kaggle datasets up to this point.

No changes to the functionality are introduced, only the article is referenced in the README, meant to serve as additional contextual documentation.

[0.1.0-beta] - 2023-07-20

This is considered the beta pre-release version, introducing some minor additions after a bit of personal testing on 2-3 kaggle datasets.


Passing explicitly a random_state is now propagated to the underlying classifier as well.


Added short README/homepage introduction on the concept of adversarial validation and where this package stands.

Also, added a homemade package logo (available in README + homepage

[0.1.0-alpha] - 2023-07-19

This is considered the alpha pre-release version, introducing some backwards-incompatible changes w.r.t. the previous release.


Response of the main public object, advertion.validate, has changed from bool to dict:

from advertion import validate

train = pd.read_csv("...")
test = pd.read_csv("...")


# // {
# //     "datasets_follow_same_distribution": True,
# //     'mean_roc_auc': 0.5021320833333334,
# //     "adversarial_features': ['id'],
# // }

Also, upon selecting smart=True (is actually the default case), an improved identification logic of adversarial features has been introduced, based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Having verbose=True prints to the standard output the statistic value and the p-value of the test for every feature that is deemed as adversarial.


New page on adversarial features: It is also referenced on the standard output when smart=True and verbose=True.


Tests have been developed for the package's public interface, reaching 100% test coverage on the project.


Continuous Integration - enabled through Github Actions - enriched with 2 additional linters:

  • autoflake (detects unused imports)
  • bandit (detects common software security issues)

Also, test suite now runs against the following combinations:

python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11']
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]

Last but not least, codecov has been introduced.

For more details, see:

  • .github/workflows/ci.yml

[0.1.0-alpha2] - 2023-07-16

A follow-up, pre-alpha release that introduces continuous documentation capabilities to the project, through MkDocs + readthedocs. Material for MkDocs has been utilized as the theme.


No change to the functionality since inaugural pre-release v0.1.0-alpha1.

[0.1.0-alpha1] - 2023-07-16

This inaugural pre-alpha release introduces the core functionality of adversarial validation, exposed to the end user through the following method:

from advertion import validate

train = pd.read_csv("...")   # let's say target variable is "label"
test = pd.read_csv("...")

are_similar = validate(
# are_similar = True: train and test are following the same underlying distribution.
# are_similar = False: test dataset exhibits a different underlying distribution than train dataset.
At the same time:

  • passing smart=True employs a pruning strategy of design matrix features based on feature importance - this helps remove featutes with strongly identifiable properties such as IDs, timestamps etc.
  • passing an n_splits value controls the number of cross-validation folds that take place internally.
  • passing verbose=True prints to the standard output informative messages on the adversarial validation strategy.
  • passing a random_state value ensures reproducible output across multiple function calls.